Sunday, February 7, 2010

Away we go...

Well it looks like it is official, Bernero is throwing his hat in the ring and running for Governor. Only 15% of the Lansing voters turned out to put him back in office as Mayor of Lansing. I hope that won't be the case in the election for governor!

By the way, I should introduce myself, I am The Michigan Rebel. I am devoting this blog to educating people who don't want to take the time to educate themselves. I work in a government funded office and believe me, the one thing I know is that most people don't take the time to do any research before they make decisions that have long range impact on their lives. I see it everyday.

I have to say that I am tired of other people having such an impact on my life. I take the time to research my candidates, I look into their public and personal lives. I ask other people who have had contact with them what they think, I look at voting records and campaign promises. AND THEN, all the morons who vote based on the color of the candidate or the color of their shirt that day, put someone in office who could give a crap about my problems or the problems of any one who voted for them, and thereby make my time worthless! Thanks alot O' Uninformed Ones.

Well, enough of that I said. SO I am asking all my friends to link to this blog and to share what they think and we welcome others who have an opinion too. Even if I don't like your opinion, you have a right to it (that is what my father fought for) and I will respect it even as I beat the dog poop out of it, so be prepared to defend yourself.

So now that you know who I am, I respectfully ask your opinion of this particular candidate for Governor... We will be exploring the others as we get closer to election day.

Welcome all Rebels!

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