Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Style - Size or Substance

Theory of Relativity Or Size Squared?

So having a chat with a couple of friends on facebook about models and the ridiculousness of calling a size 8 a plus size model. Which really got me thinking... sorry, I know that is a dangerous thing. But here goes.

Seriously, do you see any extra body fat on this beauty?
If this is plus, I am all about that.

Any woman can be sexy, glamorous and positively divine if they want to be. Whether they are a size 2 or a size 20. It is all in the attitude. As my size has creeped up due to settling, kids, chocolate, laziness and anything else I can blame it on, my attitude changed too. I lost my ability to laugh as much, to smile at the little things. My attitude changed.

And that brought back to me a show I was watching a few nights ago (reminder to self, having your 13 year old watch Drag Queens compete, probably not the best TV screening I have done) RuPaul's Drag Race. I mean seriously, let's talk size... These are big ass men tucking their stuff and looking more stylish than any man has a right to. Now explain to me how a guy can wear a size 20 dress and look freaking gorgeous and a beautiful woman gets all worked up because of the SIZE of the dress? These guys, think they are HOT (and I have to admit, some of them are smoking!) and they love how they look and they admire each other. I personally LOVE Drag Queens, they are freaking awesome. Not to mention, damn do those guys know how to wear makeup! Their attitude is what makes them gorgeous to me, they love themselves so much.

Tell me Delta is not a BBW? She is full of spunky attitude and I LOVE her!

Why don't women do this? Why do we rip on Jennifer Love Hewitt (who is like a size negative 2) and say her ass is fat. My cat is fat, JLH doesn't have a fat cell on her body. Why do we take such pleasure in learning that Jessica Simpson has pimples and that J-Lo has cellulite? Why can't we admire ourselves more and be happy with who we are? Our attitude is kind of unnerving, we revel in someone else's pain and hurt. Instead of enjoying the beauty of their success.

Which brings me full circle, what is sexy? What is beautiful? And how does it relate to a size? I think that attitude is sexy, that beauty comes from something indefinable and size really is just relative.

However, can we talk about the sheer lack of stylish clothes for those above a size 10? Come check out my next Blog... We will be looking at some pics of what I am talking about.

1 comment:

  1. It is in the attitude for sure! Society is bad for how it views women but sometimes, WE are our own worst enemy :-(
